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Professional driver

Herbst Transporte GmbH Reference number: 10000-1187397439-S
  • Working hours: Full-time work
  • Workplace: Bamberg (Bavaria)
  • Company size: Between 51 and 500
  • Type of employment contract: Open-ended
  • Online since: Jan 17, 2023

Wir sind ein eingespieltes Team. Ob Disposition, Fahrpersonal, oder Fuhrparkleitung; ob Faktura, Finanzbuchhaltung oder Geschäftsleitung: nur wenn alle mit Respekt und Freude als Team zusammenarbeiten, können die Abläufe gelingen. Gemeinsam arbeiten wir Tag für Tag an der Zufriedenheit unserer Kunden. Unser aller Ziel: den guten Namen unseres Familienunternehmens zu bewahren. Besonders stolz sind wir auf unseren langjährig selbst ausgebildeten Nachwuchs. Sowohl im kaufmännischen Bereich als auch bei den Berufskraftfahrern und Nutzfahrzeugmechatronikern bilden wir die Fachkräfte von morgen aus.

Zur Verstärkung unseres Teams suchen wir ab sofort engagierte Fahrer (m/w/d) für den Einsatz im Fernverkehr.

Was Sie mitbringen sollten: • Berufserfahrung • gerne Staplerschein und/oder ADR-Schein • Engagement und Flexibilität • ein gepflegtes Erscheinungsbild und freundliches Auftreten • Verantwortungsbewusstsein und Zuverlässigkeit

Was wir Ihnen bieten: • einen Fuhrpark auf dem neuesten technischen Stand • Leistungsgerechte und pünktliche Bezahlung • einen sicheren Arbeitsplatz • ein gutes Betriebsklima und nette Kollegen • Beschäftigung als LKW-Fahrer, Silofahrer oder Kraftfahrer für Silo-Hängerzug (m/w/d) im Fernverkehr

Haben wir Ihr Interesse geweckt? Dann senden Sie bitte Ihre aussagekräftige Mail an oder rufen Sie uns an unter 0951/96626-0.

Wir freuen uns auf Sie!

A truly well-oiled Team consisting of dispatchers, experienced drivers, mechanics, accounting clerks as well as business representatives. We at the Herbst Transporte GmbH have been able to champion a cooperation which is based on reciprocal respect while also having a good time together. These two principles have always been essential for us in order to champion all our tasks while satisfying our customers at the same time. Furthermore, we would like to live up to the good reputation of our family-owned company. For many years, we have been taking pride of being able to professionally train our new staff in the fields of administration, truck drivers as well as mechanics.

In order to extend our team of truck drivers, we are looking for truck drivers for long distance traffic. General requirements: • professional experience • forklift license/ADR license might be beneficial • passion and flexibility • friendly appearance • responsible and reliable character

What we can offer: • technically advanced and well-maintained vehicle fleet • punctual justifiable salary based on merits • job security • friendly staff members • possibility to drive silo or road train trailers on long distances

Should you be interested in working for our company, pleas send us your application letter as well as your CV to: or contact us via the number 0049 951 966 260.

We look forward to you!

Information for applicants from abroad:

  • We are happy to help you find accommodation
  • Assistance with administrative procedures can be provided
  • German basic language skills from A1 onwards would be ideal, but are not absolutely necessary.
  • alternatively, communication in English, Spain or French is possible
  • there are already several employees with these language skills in the company, who can also support the "arrival"
  • Job interviews are possible by phone or Skype

For applicants who have their permanent residence abroad: The International Placement Service Bavaria supports your job-seeking in Germany. We are a department of the German Federal Employment Agency. Our services are free of charge. Citizens of EU Member states may have the possibility to receive financial support (for example travel expenses, language course). For further information or assistance please contact us:

+49 (0) 228 50208 6800 /


Our job advertisements are always directed at all people capable of working, regardless of age, gender, origin, sexual orientation, disability, religion and ideology, etc. Applicants are exclusively selected based on their qualifications. Errors in the given information and spelling reserved.

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