Gruppe von internationalen Studierenden an der Universität

Enroling and settling in

Did you know? Before you can benefit from all of your university's services, your enrolment process must be completed.

Preparing for enrolment

Have you been accepted into a course of study? Please bear in mind that you cannot use the university's facilities, such as the library, until you have enrolled. You generally have to show up in person in order to enrol at your university. Make a careful note of the deadline and ensure that you enrol in good time. All the relevant information can be found in your letter of admission.

Applying for a residence title

If you come to Germany from a country outside the EU/EEA for the purpose of studying, you will need a residence permit (Aufenthaltserlaubnis) to stay – even if you did not need a visa to enter the country. For this reason, you must register with your local foreigners authority within three months of entering the country. Ideally, you should consult the International Office at your university to find out which authority is responsible for your matters. You can find further information on this topic on the DAAD website.

Starting your studies successfully

The Study in Germany website has plenty of useful tips on how to successfully start to your studies in Germany and how to plan your day-to-day life.

Changing universities and subjects in Germany

On the website "AN! Anerkennung und Anrechnung im Studium" (Recognition and Crediting in Studies), students and prospective students can find out about the possibility of recognition of university achievements and crediting of competencies acquired outside of higher education in the case of a change of university or subject. (The website is currently available in German).

Information on the web

  1. Study in Germany Information on enrolment

Do you have any questions?

Let us advise you on your opportunities to work and live in Germany. Our experts will support you with questions regarding job search, visa, recognition and learning German. 

You can find out more about the various contact options by clicking on one of the icons in the bar below.

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