Hand in Hand for International Talents

Pilot project Hand in Hand for International Talents brings companies and skilled workers together

The project in brief

10 December 2020 - The Hand in Hand for International Talents project puts the German Skilled Immigration Act into practice. It supports small and medium-sized companies in the recruitment of international skilled workers in IHK-recognised occupations and accompanies businesses and skilled workers throughout the entire process. The project is jointly implemented by DIHK Service GmbH and the Federal Employment Agency (BA) with funding from the German Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Energy. As a pilot project it is building practicable international structures to facilitate cooperation between Chambers of Commerce and Industry (IHK), German Chambers of Commerce Abroad (AHK), IHK Foreign Skills Approval (IHK FOSA) and the German Federal Employment Agency with the aim of establishing resilient structures and transferable processes.

Who is Hand in Hand for International Talents aimed at?

Hand in Hand for International Talents brings companies and international qualified professionals together. It is running for interested companies in the IHK pilot regions of Rostock, Reutlingen, Lübeck, Düsseldorf and Erfurt.  Qualified professionals are recruited from the target countries of Vietnam, Brazil and India. The professionals in question need to have had training and gained experience in the following professions:

  • Careers in computer science, information and telecommunications technology, software development
  • Careers in electrical systems, electrical engineering, electronic engineering
  • Cooks, careers in the hotel and food service industry and in system catering

(You will find information on the project website on possible additions to the list of professions whilst the project is running)

What does Hand in Hand for International Talents offer?

The partners in charge of implementation coordinate the whole process both for companies in the pilot regions who have registered job vacancies in the sought-after professions with the Federal Employment Agency (BA) and for potential qualified professionals from the three countries. They coordinate the selection of suitable candidates, the matching process, initiation and support throughout the professional recognition procedure, arrangement of German courses (up to language Level B1 before arrival in Germany, up to language Level B2 after arrival) and assistance with visa and entry. The qualified professionals will also be prepared for living and working in Germany and the integration process will be accompanied after entering the country.

Who to contact:

Looking for qualified professionals for your company?

IHK Düsseldorf: Vanessa Wiesmann (wiesmann@duesseldorf.ihk.de),
IHK Reutlingen: Peter Teutemacher, (teutemacher@reutlingen.ihk.de),
IHK München: Sebastian John (john@muenchen.ihk.de), 
IHK Offenbach am Main: Anna Strohmann (strohmann@offenbach.ihk.de)
IHK Erfurt: Anja Wolf (wolf@erfurt.ihk.de),
IHK Rostock: Robert Erler (erler@rostock.ihk.de),
IHK Lübeck: Dr. Ulrich Hoffmeister (hoffmeister@ihk-luebeck.de)

Want to work in Germany?

Lam Ngyuen (AHK Vietnam; lam.nguyen@vietnam.ahk.de)
Denise Eichhorn (AHK India, denise.eichhorn@indo-german.com)
Deborah Zornoff (AHK Brasil, Deborah.Zornoff@ahkbrasil.com).

Want to find out more?

Anine Linder & Carolin Ruppert, project leader at DIHK Service GmbH (projekt_HiH@dihk.de), and Regina Hufnagel, project leader at the BA (ZAV.handinhand@arbeitsagentur.de)

Latest project information:

BA: www.zav.de/Hand-in-Hand
DIHK: www.dihk-service-gmbh.de/hih

Do you have any questions?

Let us advise you on your opportunities to work and live in Germany. Our experts will support you with questions regarding job search, visa, recognition and learning German. 

You can find out more about the various contact options by clicking on one of the icons in the bar below.

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