Newsletter no. 3/2020: The Skilled Immigration Act: opportunities for employers
Dear Reader,
Welcome to the new issue of the ‘Make it in Germany’ newsletter. Keep up to date with the key developments in the field of immigration of skilled workers in Germany. Your "Make it in Germany"-team wishes you an enjoyable read!
In the spotlight
Fachkraft aus dem Ausland am Arbeiten
The German Skilled Immigration Act gives all international qualified professionals the opportunity to carry on a profession or trade in Germany – provided that they offer particular qualifications. For employers, the new law brings greater options for recruiting urgently required international skilled workers.
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Figure of the month
33,120 people
applied for their international professional qualifications to be recognised in 2019. Almost half the applications came from healthcare sectors.
(Source: Federal Statistical Office, 2020)
Updates on Make it in Germany
Would you like to know how the Skilled Immigration Act works and what possibilities it opens up for you to recruit professionals from abroad? Then join the "Attracting international qualified professionals with the support of Make it in Germany" webinar on September 29, 2020. The webinar will be held in German language. 
To the registration page
Since 1 March 2020, employers have had the opportunity to apply the fast-track procedure for skilled workers. But who does the procedure cover, and what benefits does it give employers? Our explanatory video explains how the fast-track procedure works.
To the video
Explore the 16 federal states of Germany using the interactive map. Discover what makes each state special, which business sectors are particularly renowned there and what services the states can offer for international qualified professionals.
To the map
Guest article
Unterschrift auf einem Dokument
Since the Skilled Immigration Act came into force, employers have been able to initiate the visa process for their future workers under the fast-track procedure for skilled workers. We put together key aspects of the procedure in an interview with Mr. Menche, head of department for a Foreigners' Authority in Hesse and consultant on asylum and immigration law.
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We want to constantly improve for you! Do you have any questions or suggestions? Write us at Your contact persons are Vanessa Pohlmann and Marlene Schimpf.

Instituto de la Economía Alemana
Make it in Germany
Konrad-Adenauer-Ufer 21
50668 Colonia

En nombre del Ministerio Federal de Economía y Protección del Clima (BMWK)

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