Depending on your country of origin, different requirements may apply to you for taking up employment in Germany. Our Quick-Check allows you to find out about available options in Germany. If you happen to meet the requirements, you may look for employment on our job listings..
Where do the jobs on Make it in Germany come from?
The vacancies are from the job board (Jobsuche) of the Federal Employment Agency (Bundesagentur für Arbeit – BA). Employers whose vacancies can be found on Make it in Germany have agreed to them being published on the website. Hence, they gladly accept applications by skilled workers from abroad.
Please note that the job vacancies are listed in the language in which employers originally submitted them to the BA. Currently, majority of the job vacancies are listed in German.
Our job listings include jobs for which you generally need an academic or professional qualification, i. e. a university degree or vocational training certificate. Work that does not require qualifications, such as helping activities or seasonal workers, as well as temporary work are excluded here.
How to use our job listings
You have different options to look for vacancies according to your profession.
Search bar: You can enter the most accurate term into the search bar (e. g. “engineer” or “nurse”). The search engine is currently optimised for search queries in German. Queries in other languages (English, French, Spanish) will currently only work to a limited extend. Please enter the German job title into the search bar and click on the “Find jobs” button. A list of all vacancies matching your query will be shown. You can also filter your search by federal state and sector byusing the categories on the right-hand side to focus on a specific region or industry.
Professions in demand: “Professions in demand“ are professions in which skilled workers are particularly needed in Germany (e. g. engineers, physicians, etc.). Please click on the respective profession to launch a query for that specific profession it. For example, if you clicked on “IT specialist” you will get search results with current vacancies for IT specialists.
Job search via professional fields (sectors): You can also submit your query filtered by professional fields (sectors). To do so, please select the box with the professional field that suits you the most. For example, you may select “Occupations in health care, the social sector, teaching and education” to look for vacancies in the nursing sector.
You can refine your search results by further specifying the professional field you are looking for. Please use the options on the left-hand side (e.g. select the subcategory “Medical and health care occupations”) for that.
Filter options for your search results:
You can filter and further specify the search results by using the “Type of employment contract“, “Working time model”, “Type of job offer” and “Qualifications” filters. For example, the “Type of job offer” filter allows you to choose between “Salaried employment”, “Self-employed activity”, “Internship/Traineeship” or “Apprenticeship”.
Moreover, the search results can be sorted by publication date (immediacy of vacancies) and relevance (relevance of search term within the job advertisement).
If you wish to know more about a vacancy, please click on the “View details” button to see the full job description. The “Back to the overview of open job listings“ button takes you back to the initial overview of your search results.
Save, share and print vacancies:
You can save individual vacancies by clicking on the heart symbol on the right-hand side of each vacancy. Each vacancy will be saved in a list for you. For this purpose, a cookie is set in your browser. When accessing the website at a later point in time, you can re-access your saved vacancies under “Saved jobs”.
After accessing the full job description, you can print it out by clicking on the “Print“ button. The “Share” button allows you to share the vacancy either on your Facebook or Twitter feed or via WhatsApp or e-mail.
Do you have any questions concerning your job search?
Please use our advisory service specially tailored to professionals from abroad. The advisors will answer your personal questions relating to working and your career in Germany and help you on your professional way to Germany. Contact us via the chat or send an e-mail to Additionally, you can get advice in German and English via the “Working and Living in Germany” hotline. Please call +49 30 1815-1111.
Wertheim am Main (Baden-Württemberg),
Giesen bei Hildesheim (Lower Saxony),
Osnabrück (Lower Saxony),
Köln (North Rhine-Westphalia),
Erfurt (Thuringia),
Leipzig (Saxony),
Recklinghausen, Westfalen (North Rhine-Westphalia)
Occupations in plumping, sanitation, heating, ventilating, and air conditioning
Recklinghausen, Westfalen (North Rhine-Westphalia),
Erfurt (Thuringia),
Giesen bei Hildesheim (Lower Saxony),
Köln (North Rhine-Westphalia),
Wertheim am Main (Baden-Württemberg),
Leipzig (Saxony),
Osnabrück (Lower Saxony)
Do you have any further questions about applications and job search? The Federal Employment Agency (BA) provides you with personal support on all topics regarding working in Germany. Find out about your options and get personal feedback on your individual opportunities on the German labour market.
Have you found an exciting job? Then now is the time to apply! We explain which documents are required for an application in Germany and how you can write a successful application.
Do you have questions about job application and job search?
It is recommended to send your CV directly with the application. The Federal Employment Agency (BA) will provide you with personal support on all topics relating to working in Germany.