ICT specialists at work

Make IT in Germany!
Be part of the solution and start your ICT career in Germany.

Mann und Frau schauen sich eine Grafik an
© Andor Bujdoso - adobe.stock.com

5 reasons to work as an IT specialist in Germany

Are you looking for new challenges in the IT sector? Germany offers excellent career opportunities for IT specialists. Here are 5 reasons why you should start your IT career in Germany.

Learn more

IT specialists sittting in front of a PC
© Liana Dudnik - adobe.stock.com

Start your career in Germany

We will show you how your career as an IT specialist in Germany can take off. Find answers to all of your questions about career prospects, job search, German language and more.

How to get started

Woman wearing VR glasses
© iStock.com/max-kegfire

Booming IT industry

The German IT industry is booming! The IT sector is one of Germany's largest employers and it has created thousands of new jobs every year. Discover the German start-up scene and learn more about AI technologies in Germany.

Discover the German IT industry

Eine Stadt bei Nacht