Academic qualifications
following options. Positive results in the anabin database The Central Office for Foreign Education (ZAB) operates the anabin database, which provides information on the evaluation of foreign educational qualifications and universities. The database is currently available in German. Instructions for using the anabin database This guide explains step by step how to use the anabin database. Download Print Explainer video: Compare academic qualifications via anabin Statement of Comparability The Statement [...] to which your foreign qualification is comparable. The individual statement can be requested from the Central Office for Foreign Education (ZAB) in Bonn. You must request an individual Statement of Comparability if your university is listed in the anabin database as "H+", but your degree in particular is not listed. An individual Statement of Comparability can be helpful. It is advantageous when applying for a job, changing jobs, or negotiating salary. With a statement in the German language, employers
Who needs recognition?
crafts. In order to obtain a residence title , third-country nationals with such qualifications must prove that their foreign academic qualification is recognised as comparable to an academic qualification in Germany. For more information, see the anabin database of the Central Office for Foreign Education (ZAB) . See our “ Academic qualifications ” section for more information. Info box Even where recognition is not compulsory, it can be useful. Recognised qualifications can be advantageous when
Visa for professionally experienced workers
Education (ZAB) . If your qualification is an academic degree, you can also apply to the ZAB for confirmation of state recognition in the country in which it was obtained. Alternatively, you can refer to the positive evaluation of the qualification in the anabin database. Tip If you completed vocational education and training at a German Chamber of Commerce Abroad (AHK) that meets the requirements of the Vocational Training Act (BBiG), this qualification will also be accepted. For this purpose, please contact
Visa for recognition partnership
Comparability regarding your academic qualification. You can submit an application to the Central Office for Foreign Education (ZAB) to receive either of those documents. Alternatively, you can also use the positive evaluation of the degree in the anabin database for university degrees. Concrete job offer : You have a concrete job offer from an employer in Germany. It will usually be qualified employment . This means that you will need an academic qualification or qualified vocational training to
EU Blue Card
the case, you may be granted another type of residence permit , such as a work and residence permit for qualified professionals . Video: EU Blue Card Webinar on work visas in Germany Job listings Explainer video: Compare academic qualifications via anabin Getting a visa, or learning German? Contact points all over the world Information on the web German Federal Employment Agency (BA) Welcome to Germany! Important information about starting a job in Germany Federal Foreign Office (FFO) To find out which
Wie funktioniert eine Anerkennungspartnerschaft?
in Service
lässt sich dies wie folgt: Für berufliche Qualifikationen: mit der Digitalen Auskunft zur Berufsqualifikation (DAB) über die Zentralstelle für ausländisches Bildungswesen (ZAB). Für akademische Abschlüsse: mit einem positiven Ergebnis in der Datenbank anabin oder mithilfe einer individuellen Zeugnisbewertung (mehr Informationen dazu finden Sie hier ). Sprachkenntnisse Darüber hinaus muss die Fachkraft für die Anerkennungspartnerschaft Deutschkenntnisse, mindestens auf dem Niveau A2 (Gemeinsamer Europäischer
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Let us advise you on your opportunities to work and live in Germany. Our experts will support you with questions regarding job search, visa, recognition and learning German.
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